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How Tradepark Transformed Their Brand Approach with Just Design Stuff

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How Tradepark Transformed Their Brand Approach with Just Design Stuff

In this exclusive interview, Mark Butters, owner of Tradepark, shares the transformative branding journey his company undertook with Just Design Stuff.

What led Tradepark to seek a rebranding?

Tradepark specialises in commercial real estate solutions, including industrial and office spaces. We realised our brand didn’t fully reflect our modern and innovative services. We needed a fresh approach to communicate our value effectively and stand out in the competitive market.

What struggles did you have with the previous branding?

Our old branding was inconsistent and outdated. It lacked visual appeal and a cohesive message, making it hard for potential renters to understand what made Tradepark unique. This disconnect resulted in lost business opportunities.

Why did you choose Just Design Stuff for the rebranding project?

We chose Just Design Stuff due to their impressive portfolio delivering branding solutions. Their understanding of our vision and creative approach were exactly what we needed.

What did the rebranding process with Just Design Stuff involve?

The process was collaborative and thorough. We started with an in-depth analysis of our current brand and market positioning. The extensive research to understand our target audience and competitors was eye-opening. The concepts we received all looked really good, but the choice was unanimous across the decision makers (we also really like green).

What were the key elements of the new branding strategy?

The new branding strategy focused on creating a cohesive visual identity across all platforms. This included redesigning our website, marketing materials, office signage and developing a clear brand voice and messaging strategy that communicated our expertise and commitment to innovation.

What kind of impact has the new branding had on Tradepark?

The impact was significant. We saw an increase in client inquiries and positive feedback about our professional and modern appearance. Internally, it boosted team morale as everyone felt more aligned with the company’s vision and values.

What specific outcomes have highlighted the success of the rebranding?

Since the rebranding, we’ve experienced a significant increase in website traffic and a rise in client engagement on social media. More importantly, our enquiries dramatically improved, directly contributing to our bottom line. The new branding also helped us secure some exciting tenants who were impressed by our refreshed image.

What advice do you offer to businesses considering a rebrand?

Understand your brand’s current perception and have a clear vision of your goals. Choosing the right partner, like Just Design Stuff, is crucial. Embrace the process, as rebranding is an opportunity to redefine your business and connect with your audience on a deeper level.

What are your final thoughts on working with Just Design Stuff?

Working with Just Design Stuff was transformative for Tradepark. Their expertise, creativity, and dedication revitalised our brand.

We’re grateful for their partnership and look forward to continuing our collaboration.

Thank you Tradepark.

At Just Design Stuff, we successfully transformed Tradepark's brand through strategic rebranding, enhancing their market presence and internal alignment. By modernising their visual identity, redesigning their website, and developing a cohesive brand voice, we significantly increased Tradepark’s client inquiries, website traffic, and social media engagement. Our collaboration resulted in a professional and innovative brand image, boosting team morale and attracting new tenants.

Businesses considering rebranding should understand their current brand perception, set clear goals, and choose the right partner for a transformative impact. Our expertise and dedication revitalised Tradepark, driving substantial business growth.

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